In case you missed our writing prompt party, I wanted to share the prompt and the prompt tool that we used.

The Prompt
The writing prompt was to use the ideas in the three cards pictured above to write a story. In the Writing Prompt Party we had fifteen minutes to do so, before we shared our first drafts. As always, our primary job is to inspire story, not to adhere to strict prompt rules, so whatever these cards bring forth is a win!
Your prompt:
Write a story using at least two of these cards as inspiration:
LOSE THE CALVARY: Take away the allies and the support. Leave your hero to fend for himself.
MAGNIFY: Up close, everything looks different. Zoom in to focus on a moment, a detail or an emotion.
STACK OF NEEDLES: Too much can be worse than too little. Overwhelm your hero with more than she can handle.
The Prompt Tool
This is a new tool for me. I used it for the first time during a previous month’s prompt celebration in Fictionistas and used a similar technique here in Stop Writing Alone. The Idea cards within this deck are meant to be used in a sort of storytelling party game with a round-robin style of story creation. While I love that idea, and may propose we give a whirl here in Stop Writing Alone, for now, I switched it up and just presented the three cards to the group as our one prompt to work on.
There are 26 Idea cards in the deck. What we did not use yet are the 26 associated “Detail” cards. There is one Detail card for each Idea card. These cards expand upon the idea on one side, and then give three or four prompts to expand upon them. There is definitely a future Writing Prompt Party where we will take one Idea Card aand its matching Detail card as our solo points of inspiration. In short, after two nights out with this little deck, I am happy to say it’s a keeper and has lots of reuseability for the long haul!
For more about this writing prompt tool, check out their website:
Feel Inspired?
If you feel inspired to write based on this prompt, and want to share it with the group, feel free to do so in the comments. However I request that your share be a LINK TO THE STORY, not the story itself. You can:
link to your digital fiction home (wherever you are currently sharing fiction),
type up your story in Google Docs and post a shareable link, or
wait until you get it published and share a linkto where we can find it!
NOTE: Please remember that if you are seeking publication for your fiction many outlets will not accept fiction that has been previously published, even if that is on your own personal blog. So keep in mind that sharing your fiction in this way could potentially make this particularly story inelligible for such publications.
If you are ready to share, we are ready to read!