I did the Artist’s Way when it was first published and ended up taking the course with Julia Cameron at the Open Center in NYC several years later. I wrote a couple of screenplays and made a short film. I still do the morning pages as I work on fiction.

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I do the morning pages in spurts. Valuable, but as for the book ane the lessons, I can't get passed the God shit.

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I recently discovered this! While I haven't yet committed to the 12 week program outlined in the book, I did morning pages for about a week. It did work in getting some stressors and worries and hang ups down on paper so I could find a solution or think about other things. My issue is I have two small kids, one who wakes up sporadically because her blanket fell off, and I'm usually waking up late and rushing. I even dropped it down to just one page which was still helpful, but you have to reserve at least 15 minutes for the practice and I currently have a hard time with that.

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